On Saturday, Bret stayed behind with a fever and cough to take care of a few chores, while GG and I moseyed across the street for a birthday pool party, the first of which Sweet Bean had ever attended.
I'm not sure what I loved more, the pool party concept or the invitation itself---"Come get cool in my inflatable pool!"
And get cool she did, Gillian Grace spent most of the two hours splitting her time between the pools. Though she did come out and join us just in time to sing Happy Birthday, even the allure of cake and ice cream wasn't enough to keep her from the pool any longer, and back she went for another dip.
When I was greeted so sweetly with "pool party" first thing Sunday morning as I entered to rouse GG up from her crib, I knew that we'd be making a trip to Toys R' Us as soon as it opened to purchase one of our own. Now every sunny day is a pool party kinda day! And if yesterday is any indication, with a marathon of a pool party lasting nearly six hours (with a break for a nap), this pool has already more than paid for itself!
After all, a happy toddler = a happy family! And boy is she H-A-P-P-Y!